Guidelines for the international Advisory Board of the
National Primate Research Center of Thailand

The members of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of the National Primate Research Center of Thailand (NPRCT) have a vital role helping the NPRCT to fulfill its mission. The IAB is chartered by the Vice President for Research and Innovation of Chulalongkorn University in collaboration with the NPRCT Director to assist in effectively addressing strategic, financial, and operational challenges. In particular, the IAB is charged with providing advice regarding the administration of the NPRCT, the development and management of primate resources, the development and conduct of scientific research and resource programs, and the fostering of interactions with the university, the government, the community, and academic and commercial entities. The IAB also will provide advice in regard to dealing with issues arising from the complex operations of the NPRCT.

The IAB will advise the NPRCT Director in regard to the development, establishment, and implementation of policies and procedures pertaining to the NPRCT. The IAB will make recommendations to the Director of the NPRCT and the Vice President of Chulalongkorn University. The IAB will serve as a forum for discussion and evaluation of the Director’s questions and concerns regarding the relationship of the NPRCT to missions of the university and other entities that provide funding that supports the Center’s activities. The IAB will assess existing and proposed policies, will contribute to the development of new policies to meet emerging needs, and will suggest new initiatives to the NPRCT Director.

The composition of the IAB will reflect the range of administrative, veterinary, and scientific spheres that are vital to the success of the NPRCT. The IAB will consist of at least five (5) but no more than seven (7) eminent scientists, veterinarians, and administrators, each of whom is highly experienced in working with nonhuman primates at research facilities. No more than three members may be from a single country at any one time, and each member must be from a different home institution. The IAB will have a chairperson, who is appointed by the NPRCT Director in consultation with the Vice President of Chulalongkorn University. ·

Selection of Members:
Suggestions for new members will be solicited by the NPRCT Director and the IAB Chair from IAB committee members and from other contacts in the international nonhuman primate research community. The Director of the NPRCT, in consultation with the IAB Chair, will select the individuals to whom invitations for membership will be extended. Each year, the NPRCT Director, in consultation with the Vice President of Chulalongkorn University, will select the individual who will be invited to serve as Chair. Except in unusual circumstances, this individual will have served as an IAB member for at least 2 years.

Term of Service:
IAB members will be appointed annually, and typically will be reappointed for 3-5 consecutive terms. To maintain continuity, no more than one third of the committee will rotate off and be replaced by new members in any given year. Re-appointments beyond 5 years may be made at the discretion of the NPRCT Director in consultation with the Chair of the IAB.

Face-to-face meetings will normally take place annually in Bangkok. Teleconferences or videoconferences involving the entire IAB or a subcommittee may be scheduled between annual meetings to address continuing or unanticipated scientific or administrative issues.

The IAB will produce a report after each annual meeting. It may be asked to produce a report after teleconference or videoconference meetings, depending on need as judged by the NPRCT Director. The reports will be addressed to the NPRCT Director, and a copy will be provided to the Vice President of Chulalongkorn University.

Revision of These Guidelines:
These guidelines will be reviewed at each annual meeting, and modified as appropriate and pending approval of the NPRCT Director, in order to ensure that they continue to serve the best interests of the NPRCT and that they accurately reflect the administration and activities of the IAB.

Annual Meeting

1st International Advisory Board Meeting (June 1st – 5th, 2017)

2nd International Advisory Board Meeting (Nov 1st – 5th, 2018)

3rd International Advisory Board Meeting (Nov 1st – 5th, 2019)

IAB Annual Reports

Report of The International Advisory Board (IAB) of The National Primate Research Center of Thailand (NPRCT)

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